Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Welcome to the site, fellas!

Well this is what it looks like for now: I'm tired of working on it for today, and besides, we haven't created any content for it yet. :-) I can customize the template pretty well however we want, so if you have any suggestions let me know. But keep it simple, 'cause it takes awhile to do. Freaking eats my days away, web programming...


KindaSketchyAdmin said...
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KindaSketchyAdmin said...

If you guys want me to create links to your personal sites or blogs too whenever you get them, I'll see what I can do.

KindaSketchyAdmin said...

And I don't really know why the "Friends & Links" or whatever writing is cut off just to the right. Oh well. Please feel free to check out the customized link to my website in the lower-right corner. ;-)

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