Monday, September 27, 2010 1 comments

Challenge Nummer Drei!

Okey dokey then, moving right along to number three while still finishing up number two: what multi-tasking wizards we are!

Your mission (and you'll accept it or I'll break your knees) is to come up with an original half-human creature utilizing an interesting and unique form of plant life: think J.R.R. Tolkien's Ents but not so prosaic. Be original, be creative.

Monday, September 20, 2010 0 comments

Challenge part deux

Hey fellas. The new sketch topic for this week is: Draw a scene from a family that is living the "New American Dream" whatever that is nowadays....... So get thinking and get sketching! This one's a little more conceptual than last time.

Jesse's concept for "The New American Dream"

 Christian's Challenge 2 Sketch "Freedom from Government Control"

 Caleb's part deux sketch!
Derek's rushed/lazy sketch for my own challenge! What's wrong with me!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010 1 comments

Challenge Numero Uno!

Okay here we go gents! As per J-Dawg's text earlier today, the first sketch is to be the leading character for that epic of epic epicness: Extreme Action Adventure Hero II. To get some content up on the blog, this first Sketch will be due by Saturday by 5:00 p.m. All challenges thereafter will (presumably) be week-long affairs.

Let's get crackin'!!!
Jesse's Challenge 1 Action Hero

Caleb's Sketch for Challenge 1!

Derek's freaking sketch for Challenge 1!
Christian's Challenge 1 sketch!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010 3 comments

Welcome to the site, fellas!

Well this is what it looks like for now: I'm tired of working on it for today, and besides, we haven't created any content for it yet. :-) I can customize the template pretty well however we want, so if you have any suggestions let me know. But keep it simple, 'cause it takes awhile to do. Freaking eats my days away, web programming...